our projects
die Mobiliar
«The focus is on people and purpose.»
Our goal:
Development of a new and innovative “target operating system” for campaign management, spanning three organisational units.
What we have achieved so far:
Collaboration, mutual understanding and trust that culminated in a joint collaboration model covering three divisions.
What we appreciate in the collaboration:
The focus is on people and purpose. We were never forced to accept a model that’s not right for us. currents&tides understands our needs and applies the proper methods to help us find a solution.
Who should follow this path:
I recommend it to managers who want to prepare their teams for the future, and to HR departments seeking a cultural change.
Why we recommend currents&tides:
Expertise, trust and inspiration. We felt understood and optimally supported – before, during and after the project.
Sandra May, Head of Customer Relations Marketing